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About Admin

Admin is a proud employee of Upline Moving

Moving to a new home can be a very exciting time, but it can also be quite overwhelming. Before you begin to panic about all the planning you have to do, let our experts at Upline Moving take some of the burden off your shoulders for your residential move right away.

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If you have an upcoming relocation, you likely want the most experienced and professional mover. A professional moving company will help you achieve a smooth transition to the next destination. However, you may be curious about what characteristics make up the best moving companies.

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Somewhere between Millennials and the Baby Boomers lies Gen X, or the sandwich generation. A growing number of people have children living at home and are finding themselves having to take care of an elderly parent. Making space for an elderly parent can be daunting.

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When I was in my 20s, I moved a lot, but the idea of hiring a moving company never even crossed my mind. Moving companies were for grownups, I thought, a distinction I apparently was not. Moving companies were for people with spouses and children, something I definitely was not.

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How to be super organized with your move If you're anything like me, you start the moving process with the best of intentions and you swear that every step along the way, you will be organized.

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If you watch the local news, it seems that home burglaries are on the rise all over the Bay Area. The truth is that residential burglaries are holding steady, as not-so-good neighborhoods turn transitional and as transitional neighborhoods become upscale, security is a top concern among homeowners.

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It's one thing to move when you're single or when you're a couple. All decisions are on you. For the most part, you're in control. If you have children, though, things are very different.

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Even when you hire a professional mover, the process of moving is pretty all-consuming. The two months before a move are shockingly busy, and even for those who are organizationally gifted, moving seems like the time to put aside all the fun things we do in life.

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You might have read last month about a house in Sunnyvale that sold for $782,000 over asking price. It pretty much shocked the entire Bay Area, but if you've been house hunting over the last few years, you might not be all that surprised. The house wasn't big.

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Thanks to the internet, the world is much, much smaller. Through Facebook, you might be friends with someone half way across the world. Through Twitter, you might receive advice from the greatest minds of a generation. Through Instagram, you can see the world as if you are there.

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